Pilot Program

Master Digital Community Building! 🚀

📣 Ready to unlock the power of community management in the digital era?

Discover Cambiana’s exclusive Digital Community Builders training and take your skills to new heights.

🌟 Why join the pilot program? Shape your organization’s digital communities and employer branding strategy. Experience transformative learning while shaping the program with your input.

🏆 What are the benefits? 

  • Enhance your community management skills
  • Build your own community prototype under expert guidance
  • Get instant in-depth knowledge, practical tools, and hands-on exercises
  • Network with industry peers and seasoned professionals
  • Explore a tailored curriculum with immersive workshops
  • Embrace emerging technologies to cultivate engagement
  • Drive business results and boost brand loyalty

🙌 Who should join? Community managers, L&D professionals, and leaders passionate about community building. Be part of Cambiana’s exclusive group pioneering this program!

🔎 How does it work? — Program Schedule and Pricing

Discover the exclusive advantages of applying for our Pilot Program:

  • 4 dynamic online Expert-led Workshops. Duration 2,5 hours for each session over 4 months (Sept to Dec).
  • 4 Coaching Labs, structured to create your own community prototype. Duration 2 hours for each session.
  • 2 Workshops dedicated to understanding different personality types and their communication styles in the context of community facilitation and building rapport with community members. Duration 3,5 hours for each session.
  • A license for each participant to the personality profiling platform (Type Coach®) with personal report, coaching videos, individual tips and strategies to better communicate and collaborate with different personality types.
  • 1:1 Individual Coaching session. Duration 1 hour.
  • 1 Introduction to Digital Facilitation Course developed in 6 asynchronous sessions on a facilitated social learning space. Duration 30 minutes each session.
  • Access to Round-the-clock digital training via the user-friendly Howspace platform.

Benefit from significantly reduced program fees, offering exceptional value at only 790€.

One-time chance: Seize this unique opportunity to enhance your expertise in community management while minimizing your investment. After the pilot we will launch this Program at a regular price.

Register ASAP to save your seat!

Date: Starting Sept. 2023

Location: 100% Online

Ready to become a Digital Community Builder? Join now and unlock endless possibilities. 💪

Pre-booking open!

Save your spot now! Fill out the form to receive additional information and determine if you’re interested in applying for the pilot program. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a transformative learning journey.