The New Era of Howspace

What is the new Howspace?

Key pillars of the new platform

Updated AI

Howspace’s AI-driven features bring a new level of understanding and inclusion, making every participant not just a listener but a contributor.
Drive transformation that is not just about changing processes but about evolving together, supported by AI.

New look and feel

The new look and feel of the Howspace platform will transform how you involve, align, and drive impactful change. It seamlessly connects every element of your transformation journey, making the complex process of driving change the easiest part.

New ways of working

We believe that the power to drive change should be in everyone’s hands, not just the select few. With our simple and effective platform, your leaders, experts, and change agents can integrate new ways of working into their daily routines.

Check out the Transformative Involvement Toolkit here.

Transformation Leaders Community

Our community is dedicated to rethinking traditional approaches to work and transformation. We aim to create a platform where leaders can share ideas and practices to foster cultural change and gain access to valuable industry insights and resources.

Read more about the community and apply here.

Improved admin experience

Howspace equips admins with the means to create customized processes that fit their specific needs and goals, allowing flexibility rather than a rigid, ready-made structure. Admins can design journeys in a way that improves engagement and learning, using features and functionalities without the technology becoming a distraction. This approach ensures a better experience for both admins and users.

In the new version of Howspace, we have improved our page builder and made it a whole lot more flexible. Adding content to the page is made easier with new options that will allow adding content with templates and AI.

We also decided to split the workspace and workspace manager side more clearly. This will help the navigation of admin users since they will always click the same button to access this suite of admin features.

New look and feel

New look and feel

Our new platform enables you to effortlessly create and publish engaging content such as polls, surveys, and dialogues, bringing your ideas to life with simplicity. It also allows you to tailor your workspaces to match your needs, improving the participant experience. Our revamped user interface allows you to create experiences that resonate with your audience, setting a new standard for user engagement. The key aspects of our new look and feel are:

  • Ease of use
  • Accessibility
  • Customizability

Ease of use

We’ve reimagined the Howspace experience to make the user journey smoother and more intuitive. By redesigning our information architecture, we’ve streamlined how you manage workspaces, making navigating simpler. Editing your workspaces and pages is easier and can be done with fewer clicks.

We’ve also brought the tools you use most directly to your fingertips and optimized the admin experience to improve efficiency, for example, by making it easier to invite new users and streamlining functions that are repeated.

These overall updates ensure that every interaction with the platform is straightforward, allowing you to focus more on what matters–involvement and engagement.


We’ve prioritized making every aspect of Howspace accessible, including the admin experience. This commitment to accessibility has been a guiding principle throughout our development process, ensuring that every update and new feature improves the ease of access for all users.

The new version of Howspace comes with a noiseless design that reduces cognitive friction, AI-generated translations, automatic transcriptions, search function, and more, ensuring a more inclusive environment that enables every user to participate fully and effectively.

By integrating accessibility into every step of our design and development, we’ve created a more inclusive environment that enables every user to participate fully and effectively.


We understand that your tools should reflect your organization’s identity. That’s why we’ve designed our platform with full customizability at its heart. You can tailor the look and feel to align with your brand, reinforcing your team’s strong sense of ownership.  

Whether it’s a 2-year strategy process or a 2-day training, it’s easy to tailor Howspace workspaces to your needs. You can define, apply, and duplicate visual themes with just a few clicks, which enables you to easily create a consistent and engaging visual identity across your workspace.

For example, if your organization regularly organizes innovation workshops, you can create dedicated workspaces with sections for brainstorming, ideation, and discussions, each styled to match your company’s branding. This ensures the workflow aligns with your processes, making each workshop more structured and engaging for participants.

New AI features

Howspace’s AI boosts engagement and efficiency by streamlining content creation and enhancing data analysis, enabling teams to quickly understand insights and effortlessly tailor their workspaces for more effective engagement and decision-making.

The new Howspace is powered by a new AI engine that has drastically improved the quality and accuracy of the platform’s analytics and content. With improved word cloud and summary features, admins can quickly capture insights from discussions.

The improved AI also brings new capabilities like prompting with SuperChats, allowing admins to effectively make sense of the conversation. Additionally, AI-assisted page and widget creation provides a great starting point for crafting workspaces and pages, making the design process faster and more intuitive.

First impressions

Howspace works for all companies and purposes – from coaching to education, or just for having a shared space. It’s the best platform in the market where you can build whatever you want exactly the way you want.

Howspace really invites people to become involved in processes like transformation, education, coaching, development, or workshops. It’s an easy-to-use, modern platform that offers lots of possibilities for building workspaces for any process.

The possibilities of what you can do with Howspace are only limited by one’s imagination, especially with the new, flexible UI. It’s a fabulous platform for learning, sharing, and AI inspiration.

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